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Justin Reyes
生于 United States
17 years
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Gloria Crespo Happy Birthday March 17, 2018
Happy Birthday in Heaven Justin, 

I know you are celebrating with the Lord. Until we meet again. ❤️
C.Bourguet My deepest condolences January 27, 2016

My condolences, as feelings of pain and bitterness become unbearable. It is my desire to convey a comforting thought based on the Holy Scriptures


  John 5:28 "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out."



This passage speaks of the resurrection of our loved ones. It is not God's plan to see us suffer and die, so He extends the following invitation to us: "Come near to God and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8)


Please go to the following link to obtain more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage and again we are sorry for your loss.



Lori Hernandez My condolences June 4, 2015
My name is Lori. I worked with Nina back in Target. My condolences to you and your family. I can not imagine what you are going through. I have a 19 and 24yr old sons. I could not be able to breath in your situation. As I'm writing this, I am crying. I know God is with you giving you strength. This is the most Beautiful website in His memory! He was an Angel on Earth and is he is now in Heaven. I know Justin is smiling down on us. Just know that Justin has made an impact on people that he's never met! I will NEVER forget him!
My Prayers are with you!!!!
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